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5:13 p.m. - 2004-10-15
Larry's new fixation

The New Larry

The is a Larry The Love Muffin Update. Larry has been sober now for about 3 weeks and looks good and acts like he feels good. He hasn't mentioned Darlene in a while and hasn't been sexually fixated on anything. Now we are trying to urge him to give up his room at the boarding house and get an apartment or condo and buy some furniture and actually set down some roots. Larry has been living like a transient for 3 years because to set down real roots would be like giving up and actually accepting that Darlene doesn't want him back.

Since the divorce three years ago, Darlene has sold the family home, bought a swanky upscale town house, bleached her hair blond, lost weight, joined a gym, toned up, bought low rider pants, wears an ankle bracelet and according to a sad sad Larry, got a little tatoo on her right shoulder/back. Larry likes the look....realizes it is not because she wants HIM back.

Larry now has a new fixation. FOOD...yes Food glorius Food. He still talks incessantly, except that it is always about food. Being a former butcher and gormet cook, Larry is very descriptive about his food. He knows just how to describe it using facial expressions, hand motions and adjectives so you can practically see, smell and taste the culinary delights he is describing. Larry is getting a gut on him. Paula is having trouble sticking to her diet. After Larry is done describing the delectable taste treat he ate the night before, or something he hasn't had in a while and would like to have again....I have to eat my lunch. Never mind that I had breakfast only 2 hours before that or that lunch is 2 hours away. Out comes that sandwich and I have to eat.

I am glad that Larry is not drinking and I am so happy that he seems to be getting over Darlene, but Cheesus....does it have to be food and does he have to be sooooooo good at telling about it. This guy could go into business writing menus.

Here's hoping that Larry's new fixation, doesn't add to my already supersized appetite.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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