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11:33 a.m. - 2006-02-25 I'm perfect

Even fantasy men get boogers

I am not usually a push over for a good looking guy. As a matter of fact, good looks are not what I find particularly attractive. I like big (not fat but big, tall) manly men. By manly, I mean manly in character as well as appearance. I rarely meet a man who makes my knees weak.

I have a co worker who fits my despcription of a "Manly Man". He is not only manly looking, he is manly in character. A wonderful husband and father who takes care of his family, works hard and is honest and caring. He is a nice guy. I don't think I have ever heard him insult anyone. On top of all these "manly" character traits, he is also about 6'2, large in stature, has a crew cut and the kind of browline that says "I'm a man damn it and a manly man at that".

I have a great working relationship with this person and he is about 15 years younger than me. I would never ever let him know that he sends a tingle down my spine whenever he leans over my shoulder while I am sitting at my desk looking at my computer screen, trying to help me solve a problem. (this is my private old lady fantasy).

We were in just such a position in relation to each other earlier this week and I felt all feminine and squishy with this hulk of fine man leaning over me when I looked up. I looked up straight into his nose and saw a booger just hanging there.

Fantasy gone.


Every time I look at Mr. Manly, I think of that booger.

Maybe this is a good thing. I am too old to be fantasizing about young married men like a dirty old lady.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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