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8:18 p.m. - 2004-08-24
Sleepy Little Pooh Bear

Little Pooh Bear

Ok...I didn't think I had another cat story in me and I really don't...I just don't have anything to write as the only thing I did all day was hold a little cat in my left arm while I entered data on a computer with my right hand.

Little Pooh Bear went out yesterday in the beautiful day and disappeared in the farm field behind the office and didn't return in time to get let back in.

Four O'Clock in the morning, when The Love Muffin opened up for the comes Pooh Bear, out from his hiding spot underneath a trailer, and boy was he glad to see the Love Muffin.

That little sweetie ran right to his bowl of food and ate until you could see the bulge in his skinny little tummy. He passed out and only woke up briefly when I came in at 8 AM, just long enough to climb up onto my desk and snuggle himself against my chest, purring.

When he did open his eyes, they were only little slits. He was so very dirty and I had to wash my hands often througout the day. He was too tuckered out to clean himself.

Later in the day he became more awake and once when the outside door was opened, he almost got up to go out, then he thought better of it, curled back up in my arm and dozed back off.

This is a happy cat story.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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