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4:22 p.m. - 2004-09-17
Asking for a Raise

Want a Raise? Take the Elevator.

Hi everybody. I really don't know what I'm doing here. I don't have much to tell. Havn't done much of anything exciting. Just working. I have been working so hard this first week that Howard is retired trying to be the worlds greatest secretary to Dan. Now don't go thinking that I am some kind of brown nose or anything....I have me what they call an "alterior motive".

See...Howard just didn't know how to use a secretary. Matter of fact, his boss, the former owner made him hire me. Being a control freak, he didn't want to give me anything to take care of. At the time I was hired, the owners elderly father, Gramps, took care of invoicing and counting the money and the business was so small that it was not much of a job. A paid CPA would do the all the accounting. I would just sit there and answer the phone and baby sit Gramps. They gave Gramps a job because he was always in the way and would show up at the shop just for somethin to they gave him something to do. He would bring in his vast collection of photo albums and that was my job. To sit and answer the phones and look at this old fart's photos albums all day.

Now, I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression. I grew to love this sweet old man and the time came when he was just too old and feeble to do his little job any more. Finally he passed away.

The company grew and I started using my experience in bookeeping to establish an accounting system for the company. I also learned about pallets over the years and became good customer service help. Somewhere along the line I embarrassed Howard into getting a computer and we actually typed letters and quotes and became somewhat of a professional looking business.

This new owner is not a dinosaur like Howard and Dan is not a dinosaur eitther, but no one wanted to step on Howards toes and make him change any of his ways and give me more work and responsibility.

Now, I could just kind of sluff along and play dumb and not do anymore than what is asked of me...but I am jumping head first into the opportunity to be of more service to Dan and Chander and show them what I am made of. I want to show them that with me doing extra work and picking up the slack in Dan's old job, that we probably don't need Larry, the Drunk Love Muffin and they can pay me more.

I am expanding my capabilities and showing them off. Since the end of the recession, our business is growing back by leaps and bounds and if we have another 4 or 5 consecutive good weeks like we did this week. I am going to ask for a raise....A BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG Raise.

I am going to log all the duties I do. Bookeeper, Office Manager, Secretary, Dispatcher, Cleaning Lady and Assistant and I am going to look up all the average yearly pay for all of these and add them up and divide by the number of little jobs I do there, 6, and I know it will come out to a lot more money than I am making now. I will document everything I do and talk about how I went 4 years with out a raise because of the economy and that I need this giant raise...or I'll quit.

How can I be so bold? Well, I've got this fledgling businesses entire customer list in my head along with a good repiore with those customers. I know his prices and I know the names of the people to talk to and I know more about pallet recycling than the owner does. I can always say I am going down the street to work for Southtown Pallet. What will I do if he says fine...go? Well after some chosen words...I will give my 2 weeks notice and then spend thaat two weeks looking for a new job. Time to get what I am worth.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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