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10:14 p.m. - 2004-09-14
A poem for my sissy

Linda's True Talent"

I hate to see you feeling so down Linda...Do you know how much I look up to you.

You say that there�s nothing you�re good for,

That everyone else has you beat,

But that feeling ends

With your neighbors and friends,

Who agree that there�s no one as sweet.

Your heart is as big as the planet,

Don�t let it be misunderstood,

Your kind hearted ways,

Proves that God meant your days,

To give witness to all that is good.

You notice some people have talents,

And are thinking that God gave you none,

But your true measured worth,

And you purpose on Earth,

Can be seen in the eyes of your Sons.

To me you are nothing but awesome.

I appreciate all that you do.

And I know that I�m blessed,

Above all the rest,

For having a sister like you.

Love your sissy, Paula

P. I. Yarnsmtih

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