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6:37 p.m. - 2004-09-23
Yay, Larry was Sober Today

Larry's Sober

Well, Larry stayed sober all night and all day and although seemed a bit out of sorts, he wasn't in as bad shape as I thought he would be. He didn't look bloated and wasn't shakey. He didn't look chipper, but hey....he was indeed sober. Today was his birthday. I asked how he felt and kept an eye on him in case he looked like he was gonna go into a siezure. I told him happy birthday and otherwise didn't pester him about it. Nothing more I can do. He may be able to stay sober without meetings, I just hoped that he would want to learn how to live a full life and get the bogeymen out of his head....but he doesn' I'll leave it at that...none of my business.

Now we have Tom. I have never introduced Tom to you before and he will take an entire page of his own, so I will save him for another day.

I don't know what it is about Midtown Pallet, but we can sure find the weirdos. Hey...they hired me!

One time we put an ad in the paper for a truck driver and we had a parade of the strangest characters come in and out of that office. One was a young guy of about 23 who had long curly hair down to his waist and was almost 7 feet tall. He walked in wearing cowboy boots with shorts and a cowboy hat. He had a dopey look on his face and a speech pattern to match. He filled out an application and left. The boss thought he put the application in the "do not call" pile, but put it in the call back pile instead.

We had a few others that were "do not call" pile material, including one that said he needed multiple days off upon starting, for problems he needed to handle. Two minutes after he walked out the door, his wife called and asked if he was still there. I told her no and she said "Oh Fuck, I was supposed to call him there and remind him not to miss court today for that battery charge he has against him...God Dammit, I missed him, he's gonna be real mad".

I kid you not....this really happened. Anyway, we interviewed for the rest of the week and there was only one guy in the whole lot that Howard thought worth hiring. That would have been the end of it, except Howard got the Cowboy Hat and boots guy mixed up with the guy he had in mind and called the Cowboy back instead. Boy was Howard suprised when this 7 foot tall, long haired cowboy with shorts and cowboy boots showed up on Monday morning.

Oh Well, we figured he wouldn't pass the drug test....but he did. We figured he wouldn't last long. But this story just goes to show you how wrong appearances can be. He has worked for us 6 years now and has had no failed drug tests, no accidents, no incidents and has been one of our best drivers. Oh...he is a character alright. I'll have to tell you more about Mike another time, but he is now in his late 20's and got married (Yes, some woman actually found a guy who wears boots with shorts attractive), and is the most doting father of a brand new little girl that he named Fiona, that you ever saw. This was a lesson to me in not judging a book by it's cover. He does have some real pungent B. O. though.

Well, that's all for today folks. Will discuss the situation we have with Tom in another post. I have AA tonight and boy do I need that meeting.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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