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10:33 p.m. - 2004-08-19
Pallets cats I have known...Part II

Pallet Cats I have Known..Part II...But First...a rant and a rave.

Ok...gotta get the ranting and raving out of the way first....

You know what pisses me off more than anything in the world?....More than ANYTHING?......

People who throw chewing gum in a parking lot right where people have to park and get in and out of their cars so the gum sits on the black tar in the sun and gets all nice and gooey and then.....WHAM!!!!...Yarnsmith goes and steps in it...with both feet...and gets in her car and gets gum all over the floor mats in her car.

I was forced to pick it off as good as I could right there and got some one's, infested with God knows what germs...SPIT-GUM on my fingers with no way to wipe it off til I got back to work. I smelled that peppermint gum all the way back knowing that it was smelling so ripely because some Ass holes bodily fluids were on it, and now on me...UHG..ICK...EWWWWWWWWWWWWWE!!!!

There that felt better. rant and rave took up so much space that I don't have time to tell you about more than one cat...and it's a short one...because Jack didn't last long.

Industrial parks are infested with feral cats. The poor things live outside and never do trust people enough to let them help them or give them a home. Jack was a feral cat who was caught as an older kitten by the company across the street. They were going out of business, so they asked us if we would take him.

Jack was a sweetie and he trusted me but was kind of skittish and would hide in the back warehouse in the scrap woodpile until he heard me come in the morining. Then he would appear and drape himself around my shoulder like a "cat stole". He would go out and sometimes not come back in time to get let in for the night and would have to spend the night outside.

Jack was half feral yet sort of tame, but the feral side seemed to be too inbred in him and he was always nervous. One day, Jack just didn't show up and I never saw him again. The mail lady would see him around the old builing he used to live in and sometimes he would be seen out back by our warehouse crew, but he just never bothered to come back in again. I found out later that he was scraped up off of Jarvis street, having been hit by a semi.

The guys at work tried to keep it from me but the mail lady let is slip. I guess Jack just got confused about where he belonged and he was so nervous that he wasn't looking when he crossed that street. I am glad I didn't have to see him in his "sail cat" form. Stay tuned for tomorrows....."Pallet Cat's I have Known...Part III".

P. I. Yarnsmith

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