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9:11 p.m. - 2004-11-04

Candy...from Down Under...via Idaho

Good evening buddies. Looky what my dland buddy,
sent me.

Thanks Amy

Buckaroobabe and I have something in common. We both have siblings married to Aussies and they live there too. I have never been...but she has and she fell in love with the Strawberry and Cream candies and I told her about how much I love the Minties and that my sissy brings me some when she comes home to visit every 5 years.

What a wonderful treat....You are a sweetie. She also sent me an awsome handmade card which you can also see in the photo and it says "Make Waves" and "You deserve the very best". This is in honor of the "waves" I made at work last week in asking for that raise. I am hanging it up on my bulletin board to remind myself that I should always make waves.

Speaking of jobs, Buckaroobabe just landed herself a good one at a local hospital....Congratulations Amy.

Anyway, I agree with you that those Strawberries and Cream Candies are addicting....I have already scarfed up 1/2 the bag. (my dentist is going to love you). I am going to share some of the Minties with my other sister who loves them too.

So any of you looking for a good buddy, go visit Buckaroobabe . She is a tea lover and an Idahoan. I had never met an Idahoan before. I need to get me a map to document all the wonderful people I have met here in cyberspace.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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