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10:29 p.m. - 2004-05-09
Let em know yer single...Old Joe Style
Today, Old Joe didn't pick on any particular ethnic background. He was waxing poetically on the fun he used to have as a young man, going to the dance clubs to meet young ladies.

"See now, I would dance like dis"! Joe exclaimed while doing a comical little wiggling dance, with elaborate hip, arm and hand movements that would look to me like the little jig one does when one has to pee.

"Your quite a dancer Joe, I replied."

"All dem girls, dey would all want to dance wit me, because I was having fun, see?"

"In between dances I would go stand on da sidelines and I would stand der wit my thumbs in my pocket like dis. Dat was da signal to da girls dat I was available".

He stood with his back against the wall, thumbs in his pockets and his index fingers pointing toward his crotch.

"So that's how you let girls know you're available Joe, by pointing at your crotch?"

He looked a little disgusted and ignored my comment. Then his eyes lit up. "When ever I go to a wedding, all da girls want to dance wit Joey Wonderful, did I tell you dey used to call me Joey Wonderful?" he boasted.

"Yes Joe, many times.", I rolled my eyes.

Now, Midtown Pallet employs a divorced truck driver in his mid fifties who has been divorced three years and is still carrying a torch for his ex wife.

Larry talks now and then about finding another girl and has even signed up for some of those internet dating services, but his heart still belongs with his wife.

The other day, someone asked him if he wanted to go to a good party. Dan told him about Old Joe's universal symbol for being single. It is sure to get him either laid or slapped in the face depending on how hard up the middle aged divorcees are at the party.

He has been out with a few of the women he finds on the internet sites. Most of them are divorced and fairly successful and self supporting and really just want companionship. The stories Larry tells of these dates lead me to believe that "companionship" means they want to get laid on occasion by someone safe, nice and clean.

Most do not seem to be interested in settling down. They've been there before and after getting burned and not needing someone to support them, are not about to let it happen again.

In contrast, what Larry would like is a nice, old fashioned girl who needs him to care for her and despite having his mind on sex almost continually, sex is only one reason for wanting to settle down.

I have to laugh though because even though he is in his mid fifties and looks it, has a pot belly, can not even remotely be described as good looking, and can be annoying with his constant talking, the image of the type of girl he is looking for is usually to be found on the cover of a fashion magazine.

If Larry had his druthers though, he would still be with Darlene and still calls her his wife and still calls the house he left her, "his" house and the dog he left her, "his" dog. After all, to quote Larry, "It's mine, I paid for it."

This character is an interesting one. How he got to be a divorced truck driver in his mid fifties is a diary page itself. Maybe next time I will tell you his story.

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