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6:55 p.m. - 2004-08-11

The Stupid Store

Ok, so here I sit half asleep and unable to get enough energy to do anything but sit here at the computer. Why? Because it is cold in Chicago today. Cold in Chicago is not so odd, but it is in the middle of August and supposed to be hot.

2 days ago, we had the AC on and today, it is all I can do to keep from breaking down and throwing on the heat. This cold weather has me completely off kilter and all I want to do is get in my warm jammies and crawl under the covers and go to sleep, but it is too here I sit..surfing the internet for stupid things and guess what. I found them. I was led to this site because I heard there was a Moses Action Figure. I typed Moses action figure into the search engine and it took me to There are lots of other places that sell the Moses action figure too, and one site, sells not only Moses, but a librarian action figure, Shakespear Action Figure, Jesus, Freud and many many more., aka The Stupid Store, also has other really funny, usless things. They have stupid housewares and I can't wait until I go to another wedding shower so I can buy the egg seperator that is a mug with an ugly face and a nose with holes in it. You break the egg into the cup and the whites come out of the little gremlins nose, looking like snot. (Maybe this is why I haven't been invited to a wedding shower in a while.)

These sites are worth a look..there are lots of stupid but funny things on these sites and what is funniest of all is that it is for real....Some company actually makes this stuff and some stores actually sell this stuff which means that people actually buy this stuff. I am sure if you look long enough, you will find something that burps or farts.

Next time you are cold and bored and feeling completely childish, take a look at and for a heart warming laugh.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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