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10:18 p.m. - 2006-03-04
Practicing Forgiveness

OK, I became a 17 year old again and now I'm gonna grow up

I want to thank you all for bearing with me. It seems that my inner 17 year old slipped out of my psyche and posted a horrendous piece about this cruel man who had been my band director.

While every word was true, I came to realize that a mature woman of 50 should not be harboring such vicicious hatred of someone she hasn't seen in 33 years.

When I left high school, I really never looked back. I didn't even think of this, err, Man..yeah that's it...not that other word, until my nephew became a high school student and this, err, man's student.

It is like his abuse rose from some sort of psychic crypt and woke up a part of me that never forgave of forgot his abuse.

Several wiser people than I have pointed this out. That I need to forgive. I understand this wise counsel because I have leanred through 12 stepping that forgiveness is actually the only way for one to move past the thornier parts of one's life. Whether you believe in God or not, whether you believe in Jesus or not....Forgiveness is a thing that is good for our individual minds. It is not a religeous thing. I think Jesus spoke of forgiveness because he knew that in order to be happy and productive, to move on from the past, it is something we must do.

There are things we need to move past and in my case....this is one of them. In that spirit, I have deleted my rant over this person and googlers when googling his name will only find thos articles which give him praise.

I will wish him well and hope that his treatments work for him. If it his time for him to leave the planet, then I will wish for him to go gently.

I will leave what comes next and trust that somehow God will make him see the error of his way. I have put it in God's hands. I have no right to stand in judgment of his soul and I certainly do not have the power.

So....Mr. M. I forgive you and you don't own any piece of me anymore.

P. I. Yarnsmith

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