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6:51 p.m. - 2006-01-24
Phase II Begins

There's gotta be another way to make a livin

My bosses ass is so tight I don't know how he poops. Maybe that is what is wrong with him. All that shit has just gone upwards and clogged and polluted his brain. Maybe that is what is meant by the expression "Shit for Brains.

I have been late maybe 4 or 5 times in the last year due to traffic and never more that 4 or 5 minutes late. I am usually 20 minutes early, stay 20 minutes or more late and work the minute I plop down at my desk. No mention is ever made of these early start times, but be late once and you get the silet treament peppered with snide remarks and dirty looks all day long.

He maintains such tight controls on every little thing that although I have many responsibilities, he is always on top of me and won't let me handle anything on my own. As a bookkeeper, I should be able to converse with our parent company's controller and meet alone with our auditors but everything...every email, every phone call has to go through him. I can't work for this guy much longer and I think my job hunt will start earlier than I was planning, which means I must take my vacation in the winter while it is still cold out because I can't wait until Spring.

While I need to make plans to better myself in the field of my experience just in case my dream..or should I say pipe dream doesn't come true, I do need to persue that dream or it will for sure never come have taken the first step in attempting to make that a reality.

I have signed up for an online course at the local community college called "Mystery Writing". It starts February 15th. I am excited. Maybe it will be a waste of 89.00 but it may be must the impetous I need to get my ideas sorted out and actually put into some sort of order and possibly, just quite possibly turn out a novel some publisher will want to publish. In any case, if I simply turn out a finished product...published or not. It will be like finishing a marathon...maybe I won't win, but I will have finished the race.

The journey is everything in this life we live. Please don't ever let it be said that I never put one foot in front of the other.

This is Phase II of the reinvention of Paula

P. I. Yarnsmith

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